The Inner Child´s Ripple Effect: Propelling Human Behavior and Corporate Performance (EN)

Sigmund Freud, a pioneer in psychology, introduced the concept of psychosexual development, which revolutionized our understanding of human behavior and personality. Freud proposed that human development occurs in stages, with each stage characterized by a focus on a particular area of the body. He believed that these stages were critical in shaping adult personality and behavior.

The five stages of psychosexual development are:

  • Oral Stage: The oral stage occurs from birth to about 18 months of age. The primary focus is on the mouth, as infants explore the world through their senses and seek pleasure through sucking and biting. Development task: build up of social trust.
  • Anal Stage: The anal stage occurs from 18 months to three years of age. The focus is on the anus, as children learn to control their bowel and bladder movements. Development task: build up of self-confidence and self-esteem.
  • Phallic Stage: The phallic stage occurs from three to six years of age. The focus is on the genitals, as children become aware of their sexuality and develop a sense of gender identity. Development task: build up of the super-ego (see Sigmund Freud’s Structural Model of the Human Psyche)
  • Latency Stage: The latency stage occurs from six years to puberty. The focus is on social and intellectual development, as children form relationships with peers and learn about the world.
  • Genital Stage: The genital stage occurs from puberty onward. The focus is on mature sexual relationships, as individuals seek to establish intimate connections with others.

One intriguing concept related to psychosexual development is the Inner Child, coined by psychologist John Bradshaw, which suggests that childhood experiences continue to influence behavior and emotions in adulthood. The Inner Child represents the core of our personality and encompasses our feelings, memories, and experiences stored in the subconscious. When the Inner Child is wounded or neglected, it can have a profound impact on adult life. To heal and overcome emotional distress, it is essential to acknowledge and attend to the needs of the Inner Child through reconciliation and integration with the Inner Adult. Freud’s psychosexual development theory and the Inner Child concept provide valuable insights into the relationship between childhood experiences, personality, and behavior, enabling individuals to achieve greater fulfillment and authenticity by resolving emotional baggage from the past.

Impact on the World of Work:

Understanding the concepts of psychosexual development and the Inner Child can have significant implications in the world of work. Employees bring their past experiences and emotional baggage into the workplace, which can influence their behavior, relationships, and performance. By recognizing the influence of childhood experiences on adult behavior, employers and leaders can create a more supportive and nurturing work environment. This may involve fostering open communication, promoting psychological safety, and providing opportunities for personal growth and healing. Additionally, individuals can apply these concepts to their own professional development by gaining self-awareness, identifying patterns and triggers, and seeking appropriate support and resources to address emotional challenges. By integrating the Inner Child and Inner Adult, individuals can cultivate resilience, enhance emotional well-being, and unlock their full potential in the workplace.