Shifting Paradigms: Neuroscience as the New Key to Success

In an era of disruptive market changes, the significance of people and the processes surrounding them is escalating. Traditional methods have reached their limits, yet there is one realm that remains largely untapped by many companies: neuroscience. By leveraging neuroscientific insights in product development, marketing, sales, human resources, and employee management, companies can achieve enhanced process efficiency and demonstrable success.

With our expertise in applied neurosciences, we guide companies through their neuro-agile transformation, providing them with a distinct competitive edge. We collaborate with results-oriented leaders who are willing to challenge conventional thinking, working methods, and norms. We place great emphasis on fostering a collaborative approach and engaging in iterative cooperations with our clients (plan-do-inspect-adapt).

Your Success Is Our Only Metric

2b-catalyst was founded on a profound fascination with neuroscience and a strong drive to assist organizations in unlocking untapped human potential.

Our primary goal is to empower our clients with the skills they need to operate independently, eliminating the reliance on our services or third-party assistance. Therefore, helping people to help themselves is the most important cornerstone of our approach.

Our co-catalysts

The Erasmus University, located in Basel, is dedicated to its purpose and mission of offering contemporary companies and organizations education and research, which are recognized as crucial resources for modern society.


SALES SWISS is the premier association for sales professionals in Switzerland, committed to advancing their professional interests and elevating sales standards. Our mission is to foster the professionalization of the sales industry. We provide our members with a dynamic platform for knowledge sharing, experience exchange, and best practice discussions. Additionally, SALES SWISS offers a wide range of training courses and networking events, empowering our members with valuable skills and opportunities for growth.

As a certified complementary therapist with federal recognition in polarity therapy, I specialize in assisting individuals in addressing psychosomatic issues and facilitating healing processes related to their past. This includes helping individuals cope with trauma, states of anxiety, exhaustion, and burnout. Through the practice of polarity therapy, individuals can regain physical and mental strength, enhance resilience, and tap into their inner resources for personal growth and development.


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